As we all know this year is a hectic one, where there is lots of Job crisis, Unemployment, Recession, entered in each an every sector. IT one of the sector that is mostly effected due to the recession activities.
This year we made a batch of 10 students in the month of june 2019. Few of them are from Non-IT background, few from college going students, and few are passed out.We have faced very difficult time to get an settled into the IT.
So we made some different plans and conduct meetings how to deal with recession, How to placed our students in different IT sector.
It was a big challenge for us, because running an institute without placement is like “Human without water”.
Because the main function of an institute is to placed those students who are not able get any job from colleges.
We took a challenge and we worked on it and made a plan to make students, technically, psychologically strong enough so that they will good
interpersonal skill as well as soft and hard skills.
We have trained them on Machine learning and Deep Learning techniques.
We have also trained different programming languages to those students who are coming from Non-IT background. It is very difficult for non-it students to get a job in IT sector, they have faced lots of challenges. But this is not Eagletfly Solutions made for, We loved challenges. so later on we conduct career counseling session, everyday we are gave them job posting in a group, we made their resumes, linkedin profiles etc. “It was a mutual efforts by us as well as our students.” Ultimately we have succeeded in placing 5 students before Diwali and we all hope that they and their family having enjoyed Diwali vacations.
5 students here they are:
1. Ishika Raj
Got placed in Infosys
From: HMR Institute of Technology & Management, IPU
2. Manish Jaiswal
Got placed in SI2
Post Graduated in Economics
From: Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics, Pune.
3.Tanya Bansal
Got placed in SI2
Post Graduated in Economics
From: Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics, Pune
4. Aman Gurung
Got placed in Infosys
From: HMR Institute of Technology & Management, IPU
5. Aman Tanwar
Got placed in Infosys..
From: Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management (NIEC), IPU..
3 of them are from IT and 2 from Non-IT. We are still with them and we will work on same sort of things.